“Domnul Profesor Doctor Alexandru Ioan Constantinescu, cel care a înființat clinica de neurochirurgie din SUUB, un profesionist desăvârşit și formator...
History of UEHB
Chronological milestones:
- 1978 – Opening of the Clinical Hospital of Bucharest (CHB);
- 1992-1993 – The Clinical Hospital of Bucharest Municipality changed its structure and resized its activity, becoming the University Hospital;
- 1994 – The consolidation of the Hospital began;
- 1997 – The Hospital’s Outpatient Clinic became a separate structure under the name of the Sector 6 Outpatient Clinic, later being moved to another location;
- 2000 – The University Hospital became the Emergency University Hospital, leading to changes in the organizational and functional structure;
- 2010 – Starting from November, the hospital is ISO 9001 accredited;
- 2011 – The Emergency University Hospital was classified as a Category 1 Regional Emergency Hospital – very high level of competence;
- 2011 – August – The Emergency Department will include the Mobile Emergency, Resuscitation, and Extrication Service (SMURD);
- 2011 – The construction of the most modern Emergency Department in the country was completed.
Hospital Structure
At its inauguration, it included the following specialties: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Orthopedics, Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Laboratory Analysis, Pathological Anatomy Laboratory, Radiology, Functional Assessment Department. Subsequent changes (1984-2005) led to the diversification of medical services within newly established departments and compartments, but there were also sections that were transferred to other hospitals.
- Transferred sections: Internal Medicine (under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Pompiliu Popescu), Balneology and Medical Recovery (under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Teleki).
- New sections and compartments: Emergency Reception Unit consisting of critical care and non-critical care units, Hematology and Hemobiology Department, Infection Prevention and Control Department, Neurosurgery Clinical Section, Plastic Surgery Microsurgery Reconstructive Clinical Section, Angiography Compartment, Hemodialysis Center, Thoracic Surgery Compartment, Cardiovascular Surgery Compartment, Neurological Recovery Section, Hematology Clinical Section, Family Planning Cabinet.
- Infection Prevention and Control Department, Neurosurgery Clinical Section, Plastic Surgery Microsurgery Reconstructive Clinical Section, Angiography Compartment, Hemodialysis Center
- Thoracic Surgery Compartment, Cardiovascular Surgery Compartment, Neurological Recovery Section, Hematology Clinical Section, Family Planning Cabinet.
- The hospital`s Outpatient clinic was transformed into the UEHB Outpatient Department and later, it became part of the Children’s and Youth Outpatient Department Cotroceni .
- New sections and compartments are added in the period 2005-2008: Interventional Cardiology, Neurology Emergency Unit, Otolaryngology Compartment, Clinical Nephrology Compartment, Endocrinology Compartment, Diabetes Compartment, Premature Ward, Arthroscopic Surgery Comepartment.
The Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest is a large-scale hospital. A large number of conditions can be treated at the hospital, covering the entire spectrum of medical specialties such as internal medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, neurosurgery, general surgery, orthopedics, gynecology, cardiovascular surgery, etc. The Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest is a hospital unit that currently has no debts; approximately 300,000 patients receive medical care annually at the hospital, of which approximately 70,000 are admitted.
The Emergency Reception Unit
The Emergency Reception Unit (ER) within the Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest is located on the first level of the institution, with patient access from Splaiul Independentei, on Dr. Leonte Street, via the ambulance access ramp. This unit primarily serves medical and surgical emergencies for patients residing in sectors 5 and 6 of the Capital, as well as for patients from other sectors of Bucharest, neighboring or regional counties.
Emergency Reception Unit` s team is composed of a young, ambitious, entrepreneurial, highly dedicated, and devoted group committed to the idea of saving lives.
As the Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest is a Type I A regional hospital, integrated into National Programs, such as the STEMI program, or acute thrombolysis in cases of ischemic stroke, patients from the entire Southern region of Romania regularly arrive at the ER, and occasionally from hospital institutions anywhere in the country or abroad.
The ER has specially designed areas for its activities: triage, resuscitation, major and minor emergencies, and paraclinical investigations.
The staff employed in the ER constantly participate in scientific congresses, training courses on various topics, conferences, and debates. The physicians employed in the ER act as trainers for emergency medicine resident physicians and for physicians enrolled in hospital emergency certification programs.
In memoriam
Prof. Univ. Dr. Ovidiu Alexandru Băjenaru
12.02.1957 - 03.09.2020
“Tuturor celor cunoscuti, dar mai ales noua, personalului medical al SUUB si, in mod particular, colegilor din Clinica de Neurologie,...
Dr. Barbulescu Artemiu – Catalin
25.09.1954 - 18.05.2020
Colegul nostru, dr. Catalin Barbulescu a incetat din viata aseara.Gandul nostru sa urmareasca permanent de acum acest om bun. Spitalul...
Profesor Doctor Costel Șavlovschi
05.11.1952 – 19.11.2019
Profesorul Doctor Costel Șavlovschi, medic primar chirurg în cadrul Clinicii Chirurgie IV a SUUB, a decedat în urma unei scurte...
Dr. Grigoriu Mihai
07.03.1960 - 17.06.2019
Cu adâncă durere anunţăm că, la 17 iunie 2019, a încetat din viaţă dăruitul și respectatul medic şi om MIHAI...
Acad. Prof. Univ. Dr. Petrache Virtej
05.03.1938 – 13.01.2019
Clinica de Obstetrică-Ginecologie al Spitalului Universitar de Urgență București anunță cu regret trecerea în neființă a iubitului Acad. Profesor Dr....
Ștefan Nicolae
24.03.1957 - 22.05.2017
Cu profund regret anunțăm încetarea bruscă si prematură din viață a domnului Ștefan Nicolae, Președintele Sindicatului Solidaritatea Sanitara din SUUB,...
Dr. Patrascu Paul
22.09.1965 - 19.04.2017
Cu adânca tristeţe anunţăm trecerea în nefiinţă a colegului nostru, medicul neurochirurg Paul Pătrașcu. Suntem alături de familia îndoliată și...
Dr. Mioara Zamfir
17.05.1968 - 02.12.2015
Dr. Mioara Mihaela Zamfir- licentiata a UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucuresti, Facultatea de Medicina Generala , in 1994, medic specialist Medicina...
Prof. Dr. Florin Tudose
05.04.1952 – 12.10.2014
Florin Tudose, medic primar psihiatru, medic coordonator al Departamentului Psihiatrie de Legatura al Spitalului Universitar de Urgenta Bucuresti, a absolvit...
Prof. Dr. Traian Rebedea
08.12.1920 – 19.05.203
Elevii şi colaboratorii, întregul colectiv al Clinicii de Obstetrica-Ginecologie a SUUB anunţă cu mare durere plecarea dintre noi a Fondatorului...
Dr. Balan Costica
18.09.1952 - 04.10.2012
Pare paradoxal cum reusim sa adunam mai multe informatii valoroase si de calitate despre oamenii pe care i-am avut in...
Prof. Dr. Emanoil Popescu
08.02.1927 - 11.10.2009
Personalitate marcantă a mediului academic romanesc şi creator de şcoală în domeniul radiologiei, a fost timp de mai bine de...
Dr. Alexandru Dragoș Trandafir
05.07.1964 - 05.06.2023
Tuturor celor cunoscuti, dar mai ales noua, personalul medical SUUB și in mod special colegilor din Compartimentul de chirurgie vasculara...